Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Space
Space can be dangerous but, is also good to learn about the universe that we don’t know about.

 Humans have also developed to create technology to protect us from the harm of space.

Space is a wonderful place to study about and to see, there are things that we have not seen and might not see but the things that we can see is better than nothing we are lucky to have this much technology.

Black holes are things to discover about and how the works, Wormholes have been photographed by the Hubble telescope.

The good thing about the money that people are spending to get to space is that students at school learn about space and might have a chance of going to space.

I think that we are spending money for nothing someone has already discovered space and has been on the moon what else is there spouse to be to discover?

Astronauts have a hard time living in space because they don’t have gravity to pull them onto the surface of the ship and have to work 2 and a half hours a day so there muscles don’t wear out; it is hard to have an astronaut’s life.

  The money spent to create the astronauts spacesuit is quite expensive, because so the astronauts don’t get hurt from the sun’s rays and the radiation in space.

Scientist is in charge to create the technology to make the spaceship and so nothing goes wrong.

The disadvantages of going into space are, you could get nausea, and your muscle could get weak, it’s extremely expensive to go to space.

The advantages of going into space are that you can learn and discover new planets.





  1. it is good that students are learning but what about children who cant afford to go to school? how is it affecting them?
