WOW!!!!!Despicable Me is awesome it was very funny and adventures.The actors Gru (Steve Carrell) Old man (Russel Brand).The genre of this outstanding film is comedy and adventure so it will get you crying in laughter.The animations were really good and the graphics were so good.

cast list
Gru (Steve Carrell)
doctor (Russell Brand)
Vector (Jason Segal)
Theres only one thing that could be made better, the little minions were the funniest part so if they got involved more.The rating of this extrordinary film would be 9 out of 10.
By:Ben Gregory
cast list
Gru (Steve Carrell)
doctor (Russell Brand)
Vector (Jason Segal)
Theres only one thing that could be made better, the little minions were the funniest part so if they got involved more.The rating of this extrordinary film would be 9 out of 10.
By:Ben Gregory
awsome stuff by me