Thursday 18 April 2013

Movie Review of the Life of Pi

Life of Pi is a great heart moving movie, for all ages. The story begins in India, where a small boy named Pi is at school.Pi has dark, dusty brown hair and mostly wears a a top with a brown pair of dirt, sandy shorts.  As long as he could remember he had been bullied and teased about his name. The children in his class pronounced his name as 'pee', which is very cruel.
As the movie progresses he becomes a teenager. He loves to watch his mother teach girls how to dance, and he is amazed at all the moves that the girls can do. One peaceful day his mother comes up to him, and tell him that they are all moving to Canada. Pi is so shocked and upset, but as everyone knows you have to listen to your mother and father. So at night time they got on the gigantic ship and left.
Ships are not always the best ways to sail, especially when a storm comes. Before Pi knew it the ship had sunk to the bottom of the deep and dark, misty depps of the ocean. Pi had lost his parents, not knowing where or what could of happened to them sickened him. He had fallen into the water with sharks and saw the ship going down just like the Titanic. Are his parents dead or alive?
Pi, desperate to find land found a boat with some surviving items in a box. He mad a sort of raft which hung on tight to the boat. There was a sheet stuck on to the boat, but under it hid 3 animals and another one which was a vision of darkness. But, by didn't know about any of this, but he soon would.
One by one they came out, first a beautiful Orangutan, then a calm Zebra and then something bad a Hyena, but the worst one stayed under. The Hyena tried to kill the Zebra and Orangutan and suceeded with this. If this animal comes out can Pi bond with it? Find out and watch the movie!
In my opinion, the movie is great because of the graphics, and entertaining, but the bad thing is that the only thing they mostly do is stay in the boat, which they also have to but they could try swimming or something.
By Yasmin Lavik class 6E

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